
Photo: Sarah Stirk

Hypnobirthing is an effective technique to help you reduce anxiety and stress in pregnancy and labour. The more relaxed a mother can be in labour the more likely it is that birth can happen in a straightforward way.

Using KG Hypnobirthing you will learn how to build confidence and trust in your body and understand what helps labour go smoothly.

The techniques learned during the course can be applied to all kinds of situations to help you to stay calm and centred.

The KG Hypnobirthing course is in 4 parts, each approximately 2.5 hours long. To gain the most benefit from Hypnobirthing it is recommended to do the course during your 2nd trimester so by the time you give birth the techniques have become second nature to you.

Currently the course is only being taught 1-to-1.

Course cost: £450 for the couple. This includes course materials and relaxation scripts

Copyright © Julie Krausz